Saturday, August 8, 2015

The Best Website You Never Know You Needed To Get Off The Stress of SEO Services

SEO is a gruelling process. That’s a fact. It needs constant assurance, re-assurance, building of the right links, making the right hyperlinking and everything else in between. SEO is a process, that’s why it needs to be assessed and re-assessed everytime. With all these processes, it is easy for anyone to accumulate stress. Working with posts, links, strategies all the time can be brain-draining, and when that happens it usually decreases the productivity of anyone.

In light of that, most people nowadays turn to the Internet not just for work, but also for entertainment. With the world having at least 1 billion active websites each month, at least half of that number are entertainment site which can be accessed for people to be entertained.  SEO services sites can be filled with so much information it isn’t healthy anymore for the mind. The brain can only take so much. With this in mind, it pays to relax the brain every now and then.

There’s Facebook for social media and Twitter for all things celebrity-related. There’s Buzzfeed for viral content and Listverse, for well, lists. But there are also other obscure websites out there that can give any individual the relaxation that they deserve. Here are some of them:

Big Ass Messages

You get just that: big ass messages. This website lets you type any message you want then have it stylized depending on what you want. The result: a big ass message that you can send via copying the link provided. Best for taunting your workmates in the office or making your point fly across.

Pixel Thoughts

You want to make stress disappear? You can with this soothing website. With music and a type control, you can write who, what or why you are worried and watch it disappear right before your eyes. Relaxing? Yes. Funny? When you are incredibly creative with what you want to “disappear”, Then hell yeah.

Paint With Sloths

Yep, you read that right. Paint with slots is a website, that well, you paint with sloths. Isn’t that the coolet thing ever? Perfect for chilling after sifting through a lot of ranking materials and making rounds on what websites are on the SERP or not.


Forgotify is a website dedicated to making sure that no song on Spotify isn’t played. For at least once. This is a cool new way in doing something for those artists who are underground, and does not have any “cool factor” yet. Stream songs no one has ever played before, and discover new tunes that will make website development  company in Dubai an enjoyable task

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